How to Choose the Best Nespresso Machine for Your Home

The Best Nespresso Machine for Your Home

On the downside, working from home would mean not-so-easy access to really good coffee like espresso, lattes, and other such morning office staples and no more stops at the cafe on the way to work or every afternoon’s ‘coffee run.’ The positive thing is that home coffee makers are steadily catching up with great-tasting coffee – largely thanks to Nespresso. The Nespresso stands for a great cup of coffee or espresso, which loads in no small part to its aluminum pod concept and high manufacturing standards.

Nespresso have become so popular and have so many different kinds of machines today. It can sometimes be tough to choose which one is best. Let us see into Nespresso and find you the best.

The Best Nespresso Machine for Your Home

Things to know before purchasing Nespresso.

When you are buying a coffee machine, you should consider what is your type. These will be considered in your choice as different models have their strengths and power.

Here is a quick checklist to consider:

Will you be making coffee, espresso, or both?

How much capacity do you need?

Do you want a machine that can steam or froth milk?

What intensity or quality of coffee are you after?

How big of a cup do you generally drink?

Before you decide on a machine, you must also consider which line of machines you want.

What is the difference between the different Nespresso machines?


Nespresso virtual next, Original, what’s the difference, why

The Nespresso Original line has three cup sizes: Classic (40 ml), Ristretto (25 ml), and Lungo (110 ml). These sizes are aimed at traditional espresso drinkers and those who prefer a concentrated coffee drink.

Nespresso is a European creation, and as with many things, the appetite for more significant things in North America led to the creation of a new line capable of making a larger cup of coffee. In 2014, Nespresso created their Nespresso Vertuo specifically for North American consumers.

The Vertuo is capable of producing Espresso(40ml), Double Espresso(80ml), Grand Lungo(150ml), Mug(230ml) , and Alto (414ml) sizes.

In addition to larger sizes, the Vertuo line uses “contribution,” spinning the capsule in the machine at 7,000 RPM to mixture the coffee and water. There is also a barcode on each capsule that the machine can read to provide the perfect parameters for making that specific style of coffee.

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How do I choose Nespresso capsules?


The first step in choosing Nespresso capsules is to ensure you get the suitable capsule for your line of machines. The Vertuo line has its capsule style, so you must purchase the right ones.

Next, you must decide between different kinds of coffees. Maybe you’re after just coffee or espresso with water (americano). Nespresso also has a scale for intensity, with capsules between 1-5 being low intensity, 6-8 being medium, and 9-13 for darker, more robust roasts. The lower numbers are best for espressos or americanos; the medium can be served up any style, and the higher intensity shines all by itself or in a latte or cappuccino.

You can purchase capsules either at a Nespresso store or online. All capsules are recyclable, and Nespresso will take care of everything after giving them the used capsules.

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What are the best Nespresso machines?

So, here are some different categories:

Best Overall: Nespresso Inissia


For several reasons, the Inissia is our choice for the Best Overall Nespresso machine. It’s a solid, dependable machine, the workhorse of the Nespresso line. The Inissia is one of the older models in the line, and people swear by it for quality. It has an engaging look, comes in various colors, and is perfect for serving espresso.

The Nespresso Inissa is available on Amazon, Best Buy, and Canadian Tire.

Best Vertuo machine: Nespresso Vertuo Plus

The Vertuo Plus has an original look with the water reservoir housed outside the machine and a minimalist design. It’s built for a busy kitchen, has a smaller profile, and is simple.

The Nespresso Vertuo Plus is available on Amazon and Walmart.

Best for Espresso: Nespresso CitiZ

The CitiZ has the best reservoirs of Nespresso. It is simple, small and easy to use.

The Nespresso Vertuo Plus is available on Amazon and Walmart.

Best Quiet Operation: Nespresso Essenza Mini

Another small machine that will fit in any kitchen or space, the Essenza Mini is a solid performer, offering quiet operation and smoothly suits your taste.

It is available on Amazon and Walmart.

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A Nespresso machine is a easy choice if you’re a big fan of espresso and coffee. It provides simple way, ease of use, and less mess and cleanup. You can mix and match capsules to offer yourself various delicious drinks. You can be sure you’ve made coffee much easier at home, whichever model you choose.

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